Sunday, May 12, 2013

It Started in the Produce Section....

Home & Garden Altered Book
Acrylics, water soluble crayons, collage, ink and stamps

I started these pages yesterday...a rainy Saturday...guilt-free to work on my altered book...since I couldn't go out and weed.  I got my grocery shopping out of the way early.  First stop in the the produce section and I have to say the piles of bright yellow lemons and limes stood out.  When I got home and sat down at my desk....the bright, yellow lemons stuck with me.  And I wanted to try something different with the pages.  Starting at the top photo, you can see that I tore the pages on the right side to reveal in layers what's underneath while still looking like they all go together.

I painted the left page a glossy yellow and stenciled some white flowers onto that page.  Then I went to the very last page of the series, skipping what's in the middle because I didn't know what I was putting there....On the last page I used a paper napkin that had lush lemons and greenery on it.  I added the word "Lemons".  Opposite that page...I had a great gift was a shame to cut it up, but I knew that it was the perfect paper to cut lemon shapes and add to that page.

Lemons & Life Give You Zest!

 The middle pages show a beautiful floral fabric ( my neighbor provided from her quilt stash) and a Metro North train ticket.  Where the conductor punched the hole...I added a button.  How perfect that the ticket color went with my color theme.  No piece of paper is sacred around here...I found the ticket lying on the kitchen counter where my son left it.

On the first page of this series,  I glued The Herb Garden Seed Kit in a Box.  I've been telling my son that I wanted to pot some herbs this summer so he gave me this garden to plant.  That was the last piece I glued to this series of pages.  It all came together.  Today is Mother's Day.  That little seed planted 25 years ago....has grown into a wonderful young man. 


Sewing In CT said...

That is the SWEETEST post ever!
Happy Mother's Day!

simply blue said...

Glad you like! Happy Mother's Day!