Saturday, January 12, 2013



In looking for my next art inspiration, I came across these wonderful pieces made out of paper.  They were purchased at different times, from two different people. I don't even know how long I've had them.   The angel, heart-in-hand and dove are made of delicate paper that looks tea-stained.... I have been saving them for something special.  Well...what is that "something special going to be?"   And the three hands in color have that amazing cut-out work in the center of each as well as the wrist.  They are made out of scrapbook papers and they are different colors on the reverse side....all of these pieces are approximately 2 inches long and an inch across....

 I have always liked "hands" in art...even my own I have traced and painted and used in a few places.  Above, the two larger hands are favorite cookie cutters and then the two smaller ones are little hand ornaments.  The tiny hand in the middle...this one I made years ago out of polymer clay.  I used a cookie cutter for that one (not pictured here).  I made them for my son's class in elementary school...for Valentines.  For the boys...I attached a magnet so they could give them to their Moms to put on their refrigerator; and for the girls, I attached a pin closure so that it could be worn.  Those were the to revisit.  

I need to make some more hearts to hang on my tree of lights so I have hearts on the gotta' have....hearts.

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