Monday, March 28, 2016


Art Journal
Pottery Barn Catalog
Water soluble crayons
You don't have to know how to draw to create something that you like.  I'm constantly tearing things out of magazines, catalogs, even shopping bags that inspire me.  I love the color and patterns of these melamine plates that have appeared in the Pottery Barn catalog.  They're totally in my color wheel....the reds, blues & yellows.  And there is something about circles that I'm drawn to (no pun intended).  So I took the page and cut out the advertising around the plates and started to place them on the page.

Once they were glued down, I had to decide what I was going to do with all of the white space....
I took my water soluble crayons...can't say enough good things about them because the colors they provide are so lush....and started to fill in around the plates, overlapping colors as I went....
The fun part comes when you take your paint brush, dip it in water, and start to move the color around.  You do have to rinse your brush as you go from color to color so you don't end up with mud...and I sprayed it with a fixative when I was done to seal it.  Because the crayons are water soluble...that is something you want to do.  This page was just fun to do...and so easy!  So the picture that I love, now has a home in my journal. Perhaps in the future,  I'll re-create this page in water colors, and actually draw the plates.  OR....maybe a large canvas in acrylics!  This is why journals are great....where ideas are collected...

My journal is getting really full now and because of that, it's hard to draw and paint on the left side page.  So I've decided that I will continue to create art on the right side, but leave the left side for random "stuff". 

 I did color the background... I used a stencil, and I drizzled green ink on it and dipped my fingertips in water colors but no drawing. I can't just leave a background white.  And then I glued an article about Kazumi Yoshida..."an exuberant artist is all about positive energy, spontaneity, and bringing joy to your world."  He does that!  EnJOY creating your art!

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