Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Garden Shed - in the sketchbook

The Garden Shed

It was a gorgeous day here yesterday, so I plunked myself down in my driveway and decided to sketch the garden shed.  Not the first time I've painted it, but this is in keeping with "sketching" vs doing a painting.   Working in pen, I sketched going from left to right, trying to keep in mind the perspective.  I wasn't going to include the house on the right which is my neighbor's.  I actually didn't think I  would be able to place it correctly, but because it's a sketch...the vagueness of the drawing works and the house is in the distance.  There are so many different "greens"...from the pachysandra to the grass to the holly to all of the woodsy stuff in the background.  I draw it all with a vague sense of noting that there is a green "something" growing here and there.  The trees in the back become a wash of green with some pen strokes.  But you don't want them to look like they're lined up behind the shed.  I probably have more detail here than necessary for a sketch, but you can go as far as you want with it.  What I love is getting lost in the moment of the creation of the drawing and actually hate when it's done!

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